Friday, December 9, 2011

Kronum League 2011 Player Profile – Joe Ferrigno of the Throwbacks

As the world watches the final minutes of the most thrilling upset in Kronum League history, Joe Ferrigno knows the task is unfinished. He knows that the lead his team had built could crumble within seconds. He knows his opponent's capabilities for a comeback. He knows what you did last summer. He knows the answer to the math problem solved by Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting. He knows who, what, where, when, why, and how on the Kronum Round. Raise your hand and ask away kids, because Joe knows diddly.

The 3rd year captain of the Kronum League Throwbacks gathers his players prior to the start of each game and draws out the vision that has been burning in his brain throughout the week on how to best approach this Round's opponent. "I really enjoy that aspect; setting a game plan and trying to have guys buy into it", he claims. Ferrigno has devised an attack pattern on offense that has revealed itself to be one of the most effective and almost guaranteed methods of getting an open shot on net for a particular shooter. Defenses around the Kronum League are still figuring this out and will hopefully get back with an answer soon. He has also cultivated a defense that has given up a league-low 681 points. Built upon a rock solid core of wedgebacks, his next line of defense is a tactical nightmare for high-scoring, fast-paced offenses. If you think that a simple dribble, drive, and pass to the open shooter will suffice in generating open looks on net, then you might as well pack up your turf shoes and exit the premises. Two, three, even four passes may get the job done, if Ferrigno's complex scheme hasn't already forced you into a turnover.

A rapsheet comprised of various soccer achievements has enabled Ferrigno to become one of the most talented "foot" players in the Kronum League but Joe has embraced the use of his hands and a way to better control the ball and manage the pace of the game. Utilizing skills with both hands and feet, Joe has patented one of the league's most deceiving and theatric shot fakes to shake defenders in one-on-one situations. He approaches the Flex Zone line at full speed, leaps and performs a mid-air head and ball fake to his left with a facial expression similar to a Stanley Ipkiss in The Mask, drops the ball to his feet while the defender tends to a newly twisted ankle, and calmly buries a 2-point wedge kick past a very vulnerable wedgeback. Obviously standard practice drills for Joe during his time as captain for the Millersville University soccer team.

As both a student and teacher of Kronum, Ferrigno's ability to innovate comes from in-game substitutions in which he selflessly removes himself for a few minutes for a breather and a bird's eye view of the action on the field. This allows Joe to play and manipulate his opponent as a chessmaster would by making in-game adjustments to improve his team's play. Never will Ferrigno allow the Throwbacks to take the field unprepared or under-prepared. This was most evident in a recent matchup vs. the undefeated Nimble Jacks. The Throwbacks came in as a 40 point underdog to an equally prepared and strategic Jacks squad, winners of 18 stright over a 2 1/2 year span and Ferrigno was at his best. "We did a little tweeking to face the Jacks, knew it would be a tough game but our guys stuck to the gameplan and executed everything we were looking for", Ferrigno said. " Bit of an understatement in this writer's opinion. The T-Backs played PERFECT for the final two periods and captured the win in dramatic fashion.

As the Kronum League playoffs approach, the cunning captain is preparing his troops for the important weeks ahead. Other teams need to take note and come with their best. Even the most talented athleticism can be contained with a solid plan so try to develop a more intricate, less predictable game plan. This might  seem like a good idea to try and take Ferrigno by surprise, but there is something teams need to realize.

Joe is prepared.
Joe sees your thoughts.
Joe already knows.


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