Friday, October 28, 2011

Cav's Kronum Corner: Kronum League 2011 Weekly Recap – Round 3

Cav's Kronum Corner: Kronum League 2011 Weekly Recap – Round 3: L.A. Looks should jump the train as an official Kronum League sponsor over the next few weeks of play. I can see the player endorsements ...

Kronum League 2011 Weekly Recap – Round 3

   L.A. Looks should jump the train as an official Kronum League sponsor over the next few weeks of play. I can see the player endorsements for each team that would go a little something like “Hi, I’m Ryan Hoff, when my team is looking to gel together and hold firm early in the season, we don’t reach for just any gel, we grip up a bottle of L.A. Looks. We might be named the Throwbacks, but we always come looking fresh!” or “This is Jared O’Donnell of the Kronum League champion Nimble Jacks. Sometimes my team AND my mohawk need a bit of a lift. We stand tall together with L.A. Looks Super Mega Hold. Remember kids, the team that gels together, wins together. And obviously has great hair.” 

Someone call somebody please and get me a retail placement writing position. I relate to and specialize in ego-maniacal consumer products only.  Here’s the the Round 3 Kronum League breakdown as all 6 teams find their identities, strengths, and weaknesses moving forward:

Round 3/Game 1: Jet Sets vs. Work Horses
The offensive juggernaut Jet Sets found themselves at an unlikely 0-2 after two rounds and someone had to pay. Jeff “Frodo” Regensberg must have watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy the previous evening as he lit up the Horses with multiple 4 and 8 point Crown Ring shots. After finishing with an “Un-Jeff” 2 points after the first, J-Regz connected for 26 points in the 2nd, highlights by two 8-pointers from the Cross Zone. He finished with a game-high 34 points and team-high 5 assists. Back in action for the Horses after missing the first two rounds, captain Jeff Yetter and ranger Mike Small provided and much-needed spark to a struggling offense. Small, with arguably the strongest throw in the Kronum League whipped shots from the Flex Zone past the Sets’ Wedgebacks and finished with 29 points. You can't save what you can’t see. Yetter ran the middle and distributed as he typically does and had a game-high 6 assists while Bob Zane and Shane McManus each stopped 9 shots in net for the defensive-minded Horses. “Vote for” Vinny Greco put on a clinic in goal for the Sets’ as he dismissed 15 shots on the day but the most complete effort of the game came from Zack VanFossen, who landed the Jet Sets to 127-82 victory with a 20 point, 10 save double-double. 

Round 3/Game 2: Nimble Jacks vs. Night Owls
My 7th grade science class dissected owl pellets and I remember finding remnants of various animal species including rabbits in the exercise. This match-up did not represent the food chain structure, as mere bunnies devoured mighty Owls in the mid-day run. Pete Weiss came with his best Biggie Smalls “If ya don’t know, now ya know” effort as the rookie Wedgeback blew up the Owls Goal Zone defense for 5 Crown Ring jams, 4 in the 2nd period alone, 19 stops in net,  gave blood, carried groceries for an elderly woman, then went out with Jessica Biel that night. Not bad for someone still “learning” Kronum. Crossers Ryan Coyne (16 points, 6 assists) and Jay Shegda (5 assists) created turnovers and won virtually every loose ball with their high-energy play. Ranger Jared O’Donnell has found himself in more of a scoring role for the Jacks this season and he finished with an effortless 35 points while Wedgeback Sean Kennedy (12 points, 9 saves) missed a double-double by one save. The two teams traded shots evenly and the Jacks led 39-36 after the 1st. Led Zeppelin’s “Communication Breakdown” pretty much summed up the Owls play for half of the 2nd period. Bad shots, passes, ball-handling, and lax defense allowed the Jacks to capitalize and pull ahead by 21 after two periods. Same old Jacks, slow-playing their opponents then pull away late, right? Wrong. The fiery Owls refused to go quietly and had the highest scoring period of the game, hitting for 48 points in the 3rd. Luke Dougan (22 points) connected on two 4 pointers and Kyle McGrath (20 points, 5 assists) led the charge and WB Matt Sola (14 points, 8 saves) played mad on both sides of the ball. Both teams came in at 2-0 but the Owls’ late run feel short and the Jacks hopped away with 116-110 win.

Round 3/Game 3: Throwbacks vs Urban Legends 
The final match-up of the day featured two teams sitting at 1-1 with similar skill sets and style of play. This game looked like a grind on paper and that’s exactly how it played out. This one lived up to the expectations and it came down the 3rd period, a battle of resilience, where both squads clawed and gnawed to try and break above the .500 barrier. “Sidearm,” Steve Botta (22 pts, 7 saves, 4 assists) and Nick Ferraro (22 points) came out blazing in the 1st, combining for 22 points for the T-Backs, including three 4-point ring shots from the Flex to counter the Legends’ “Kevins”. The Glover version (20 points, 6 saves) hit for 12 in the first and the Clark edition (20 points, 5 assists) netted two 4s to finish with 10 on the period. Two squads touted for their defense and foot skills scorched the net for a combined 80 points in the 1st. Ferraro and Crosser Joe Ferrigno (12 points, 5 assists) paced the T-Backs in the 2nd while Legends ranger Brian Sperling (17 points) broke loose with hard throws from the Flex. Wedgeback highlights were not short in this one as James Thomas (13 saves) stonewalled the Legends kicks and throws while Scott Anderson (10 saves) kept the T-Backs in check. The Legends got a spark from Ranger Dess Leeper (15 points) in the 3rd period as he nailed two 4 point shots from the Flex Zone. The battle ended in a 113-101 Legends win. We are all eager to see the revenge game between these two later this season.

Thanks to all who viewed the Live Stream action. Log on to at 1pm this Sunday: 
1pm EDT: Nimble Jacks (3-0) vs. Work Horses (0-3) 
2:30pm EDT: Night Owls (2-1) vs. Throwbacks (1-2) 
4pm EDT: Urban Legends (2-1) vs. Jet Sets (1-2)

Kronum League 2011. Live it. We do. 
Tune in to this Sunday to Join the Revolution.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Kronum League 2011 Weekly Recap - Round 2

The 2011 Kronum League season is young and after Week 2 it is difficult to tell how teams will mesh and adjust to styles of play. Plenty of newcomers have stepped up to make an immediate impact for their respective squads. The new blood and talent is a microcosm for the overall evolution of the Kronum League since inception in 2008.

I'm going to stop here. I love writing, but only highlights are important here.

Round 2/Game 1: Nimble Jacks vs. Throwbacks
Two top-tier captains in Scott Kennedy of the Jacks and Joe Ferrigno of the T-Backs faced off in the early game. Both squads have built a reputation on forcing the opposition into playing to their pace, which is relatively slower and somewhat of a "stall-then-score" gameplan. They take their time with the ball in the second circle and attack with 2 or more passes, typically resulting in a wide open look for one of their shooters. The two teams lived up to their calling cards in this one. For about 40 minutes. The Jacks hit the NOS button and used a 3rd period surge to thwart any upset attempt from the T-Backs. The Jacks got a huge lift from world-traveler Ryan Coyne (game-high 28 points), who missed the Opening Round. Rookie-of the-Year candidate Joe Petrino (25 points), Jared O'Donnell (18 points, 6 assists), and Kennedy (18 points, game-high 9 assists) took care of the offense as Sean Kennedy (12 saves) anchored the D. For two full periods the T-Backs kept it close. Steve Botta (17 points, 7 saves) was the vital cog while Steve Fariss (12 points) and Nick Ferraro (14 points) buried Flex throws. Ryan Hoff (10 saves) and James Thomas (9 saves) kept the high-scoring Jacks in check as they turned away shots through out the game. The Jacks afterburners fired up in the 3rd and they cruised to a 121-81 victory.

Round 2/Game 2: Urban Legends vs. Work Horses
If you like "O", the answer is no. Twelve minutes into the first period the Legends led 4-0 in a defensive showcase that was more suited for a Steelers/Ravens game than a Kronum match. However, this type of game proves that a solid defensive plan can disrupt offensive timing, shot selection and rhythm. And that's what the Legends did. The Horses were shooting over, under, and around defending rangers and crossers and could not find an open look. When they did put the ball on net the Crown Ring made the easy save as at least 15 shots came in way high. Kevin Glover again led the way for the Legends with his trademark "hook" throw and finished with 14 points to go along with 8 saves. Human squirrel Kevin Clark (14 points) and Greg "Perm" Ermold (10 points) rounded out the balanced scroring attack. Ranger Mike Ragan had 5 assists and Wedgeback Jordan Welles added 10 saves in goal. The Horses were again led by Rangers Kosta Nikolos (14 points) and Brett McGlensey (10 points). Crosser Ray Hunter helped with 11 points and 4 assists as Ryan McGlensey made 14 saves. Mike Small and captain Jeff Yetter are due back in Round 3.

Round 2/Game 3: Jet Sets vs. Night Owls
Liftoff. You got what you paid for in this one. Points. Like record points. 311 combined actually. A new Kronum League record.

True to form, The Jet Sets and Night Owls stuck with their high-pace, quick-to-score gameplans and put up big numbers all over the field. The score would lead to the belief that the Wedgebacks were either drunk or dead but there plenty of highlight reel saves by the Owls and Sets. Matt Sola (12 saves, 16 points) led the way and league saves leader Joe Tulksie (11 saves) was his usual self and Greg Ashton and Derek Clouser added 10 stops. Captain Kyle McGrath got off his Week 1 rocking chair and threw down 32 points. Luke Dougan led the Owls with 34 including a huge 8 point ring shot to increase the Owls lead in the 2nd. League assist leader Jay Klein had 9 assists and Chris Von TanHausen (12 points, 5 assists) enjoyed a solid game. The Sets were led by rookie Crosser Steve Vandenberg who netted a game-high 45 points from pretty much everywhere on the field. Jim Andorko (17 points, 9 saves), Nick Deluca (18 points 8 assists), and Vinny Greco (17 points, 10 saves) played their usual "Phi Slamma Jamma" aerial show for most of the game which led to some hard fouls and bad blood between the teams. Jeff Regensberg finished with 31 "quiet" points as the Owls D had a hand in his face and took away shooting lanes whenever they could. The Owls played to a 165-146 win. The grudge-match takes place Week 6 where the two squads could just agree to a Royal Rumble to settle the score.

Live-Streaming games this Sunday (Oct. 23) at include:
1pm EDT: Jet Sets vs. Work Horses
2:30pm EDT: Night Owls vs. Nimble Jacks
4pm EDT: Throwbacks vs. Urban Legends

Kronum League 2011. Live it. We do.

Join the Revolution at

Kronum League 2011 Player Profile – Matt Parsons Of The Jet Sets

Move over Bobby Knight, there is a new sheriff in town and if you don’t like it, you can come get an earful too.

Matt Parsons has fits. While he doesn’t toss chairs onto the field (Kronum League uses aluminum benches), he has the vocal magnitude that would make Ozzie Guillen, or a grizzly bear, green with envy. Now, as a fellow competitor and friend, I can understand the motivation one gets from observing when one should be competing. That being said, disregard it. Parsons, serving as interim sideline boss while he recovers from a broken collarbone suffered as a result of his trademark hustle and arguably, reckless style of play. He made his presence known as referees, players, fans, the turf, my car, and a vagabond hitch-hiking on 322 became targets of everything that displeased the Sets skipper. Whether it was a judgment call that could have went either way, a questionable collision that left both a Night Owl and Jet Set player on the turf, or the undercooked eggs he had for breakfast, Parsons was pissed. He needs to be on the field for so many reasons in that he loves the game, is a top performer on both sides of the ball, and have helped lead a team on the down and out into a contender for the title in less than 1 year. Most importantly, he needs to be on the field so he can stop seeing ALL the action that a panoramic sideline view offers and we won’t hear his majestic opinions as often. If you’re coming to Maple Zone this Sunday, October 23rd, be ready. You may the next subject of his Matt Parsons VS. The Universe project.

If you play the Jet Sets, bring your headsets.

Kronum League 2011. Live it.

Join the Revolution at


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kronum League 2011 – Round 1

     I want to be honest here and wish to explain my tardiness in providing the full Kronum League Week 1 rundown, scores, and  highlights that you’ve all been salivating for like Mastiffs in a meat plant. I’ve kicked around a few believable excuses, but whatever, I don’t need a cover up story or apology to appease KroNation. This update is overdue, it is what it is.

Hype is a word used to describe both the external environment surrounding an event, person, or thing and the internal perception of the participant or observer directly influenced by the event, person, or thing. These two factors combine to have an impact on a level that is understood by one, few, or many. In this case, Kronum impacted many. Players, spectators, referees, crew, and viewers via LiveStream all witnessed the HYPE on Sunday, October 9. There are believers. Here’s what happened:

Round 1/ Game 1: Night Owls vs. Urban Legends
Arms and offense pinned against feet and defense. This one was about contrasting styles of play and someone had to prevail. The Legends came out hot and turned away the Owls first few attacks on net, but the relentless drive and dish scoring approach of the Owls came in waves. Or flaps, if you will. Crossers Mark Stewart (8 assists, 12 points) and Jay Klein (5 assists)  of the Owls distributed to big shooters Luke Dougan (game-high 33 points) and Kyle McGrath (14 points) who buried 2′s and 4′s from the Flex and Cross zones all day while wedgeback Joe Tulskie notched 17 saves for the “One-Eye Opens”. Legends’ Wedgeback Kevin Glover kept fired up his squad by hitting three 4-point Crown Ring shots from the Flex and finished with a double-double (16 points, 11 saves) while Rangers Kevin Clark (13 points) and Dess Leeper (12 points) chipped in on offense. The Owls kept the pressure on and notched a victory in the opener with a 135-109 win.

Round 1/Game 2: Nimble Jacks vs. Jet Sets
This one had potential championship game caliber written all over it. The two-time defending champ Jacks against the 2010 upstart playoff Cinderella poised to make a run in 2011 with loads of talent and the Sets came out whipping balls into the back of the net. Chamber shots, crown rings, dunks, Gold Jacket, Green Jacket, who gives a hoot. 2010 Kronum League Scoring Champ Jeff Regensberg picked up his luggage where he last left it and paced the Sets with 39 points. Southpaw newcomer Steve Vandenburg (29 points) and foot soldier extraordinaire Nick DeLuca (20 points, 9 assists). The usually suffocating Jacks defense wasn’t their best. What to do? Score more. Captain Scott Kennedy might get GM of the year award as rookie Ranger Joe Petrino nailed home 47-points to lead all scorers on the day. It didn’t stop there. Jared O’Donnell, the Kronum League version of Pistol Pete Maravich scored a career high 42-points and picked up the slack for M.I.A 2010 All-Star Ryan Coyne. Matt Kump dished out 10 assists for the Jacks. The Jet Sets “Vote for” Vinny Greco stopped 17 shots and Pete Weiss had 15 saves in net for the Jacks. Both teams looked good and could be there at the end but the Jacks outlasted the Sets 135-122 in this one.
Round 1/Game 3: Work Horses vs. Throwbacks

Two old-school styles of play converged in the 4p.m. match. The T-Backs rode captain Joe Ferrigno’s complex defensive schemes and strong wedgeback play to a 2010 title game berth. On a similar note, the Horses earned their reputation on tough, physical D and a lot of athleticism in net coupled with a few big arms. Additionally, both squads added even more talent on both sides of the ball. Everyone anticipated a defensive struggle and that’s what they got. All-around talent Steve Botta (17 points, 13 saves) killed it for the T-Backs and got them out to an early lead but the Horses BIG shooter, Brett “Monster” McGlensey (14 points)  kept the Hoofs close with timely Flex scores. Kosta Nikolos (13 points) helped out on offense wit a patented set shot. Ferrigno did his best John Stockton impersonation and dished out 11 assists to waiting Rangers in the flex zone. Jim Bradley benefited the most and buried home 16 points to go along with 9 saves in net. Bill Zane kept the Horses in the game with a tough display in net and finished with 12 saves on the day. Horses’ Captain Jeff Yetter was sidelined with an injury but he may have not been enough to counter the strong D of the T-Backs as they fell 79-65 in the final game of the day.

This year gonna be good. Get in the game. #KL2011

Live it. We do.


Kronum League 2011 – An Athletic Revolution

The American Revolution started in 1775 as a flare up between 13 British Colonies in North America and Kingdom of Great Britain. Minutemen and local militia scraped, clawed, and flanked the Redcoats without regard and turned a dispute over taxation into the most influential Global War in history.
The Revolution of Sport began in 2008 as a backyard concept to challenge the mainstream World of Sports. This active effort to bust loose and carve a new mark into the oak tree was commanded by the hand of Bill Gibson. Kronum was born. Acting as a modern day Nathanael Greene or George Washington he spearheaded the revolt and charge in protest to the tyranny of the mainstream. On second thought, Greene is a poor reference as he had multiple post-revolutionary problems and died of sunstroke. Let’s stick with G.W.
On October 9th, 2011 an epic sports event took place as Kronum League competitions were viewed LIVE via internet by 40 U.S. states and 30 countries around the globe. Six teams served as the 13 original colonies that stood and fought against conventional rule and the result was identical. The streaming in-game action prompted a call to action for countless viewers around the globe looking to join the fight. Join the resistance. Join the Revolution.
Though we claim just one founding father, the Nimble Jacks, Urban Legends, Work Horses, Jet Sets, Throwbacks, and Night Owls have signed the treaty to declare independence from all other athletic endeavors, while witnesses viewed from around the world.
This is OUR flare up. This is OUR Boston Tea Party. This is OUR charge Crossing the Delaware. Funny thing is, it’s all YOURS too. Kronum. Join the Revolution.