Friday, October 21, 2011

Kronum League 2011 Weekly Recap - Round 2

The 2011 Kronum League season is young and after Week 2 it is difficult to tell how teams will mesh and adjust to styles of play. Plenty of newcomers have stepped up to make an immediate impact for their respective squads. The new blood and talent is a microcosm for the overall evolution of the Kronum League since inception in 2008.

I'm going to stop here. I love writing, but only highlights are important here.

Round 2/Game 1: Nimble Jacks vs. Throwbacks
Two top-tier captains in Scott Kennedy of the Jacks and Joe Ferrigno of the T-Backs faced off in the early game. Both squads have built a reputation on forcing the opposition into playing to their pace, which is relatively slower and somewhat of a "stall-then-score" gameplan. They take their time with the ball in the second circle and attack with 2 or more passes, typically resulting in a wide open look for one of their shooters. The two teams lived up to their calling cards in this one. For about 40 minutes. The Jacks hit the NOS button and used a 3rd period surge to thwart any upset attempt from the T-Backs. The Jacks got a huge lift from world-traveler Ryan Coyne (game-high 28 points), who missed the Opening Round. Rookie-of the-Year candidate Joe Petrino (25 points), Jared O'Donnell (18 points, 6 assists), and Kennedy (18 points, game-high 9 assists) took care of the offense as Sean Kennedy (12 saves) anchored the D. For two full periods the T-Backs kept it close. Steve Botta (17 points, 7 saves) was the vital cog while Steve Fariss (12 points) and Nick Ferraro (14 points) buried Flex throws. Ryan Hoff (10 saves) and James Thomas (9 saves) kept the high-scoring Jacks in check as they turned away shots through out the game. The Jacks afterburners fired up in the 3rd and they cruised to a 121-81 victory.

Round 2/Game 2: Urban Legends vs. Work Horses
If you like "O", the answer is no. Twelve minutes into the first period the Legends led 4-0 in a defensive showcase that was more suited for a Steelers/Ravens game than a Kronum match. However, this type of game proves that a solid defensive plan can disrupt offensive timing, shot selection and rhythm. And that's what the Legends did. The Horses were shooting over, under, and around defending rangers and crossers and could not find an open look. When they did put the ball on net the Crown Ring made the easy save as at least 15 shots came in way high. Kevin Glover again led the way for the Legends with his trademark "hook" throw and finished with 14 points to go along with 8 saves. Human squirrel Kevin Clark (14 points) and Greg "Perm" Ermold (10 points) rounded out the balanced scroring attack. Ranger Mike Ragan had 5 assists and Wedgeback Jordan Welles added 10 saves in goal. The Horses were again led by Rangers Kosta Nikolos (14 points) and Brett McGlensey (10 points). Crosser Ray Hunter helped with 11 points and 4 assists as Ryan McGlensey made 14 saves. Mike Small and captain Jeff Yetter are due back in Round 3.

Round 2/Game 3: Jet Sets vs. Night Owls
Liftoff. You got what you paid for in this one. Points. Like record points. 311 combined actually. A new Kronum League record.

True to form, The Jet Sets and Night Owls stuck with their high-pace, quick-to-score gameplans and put up big numbers all over the field. The score would lead to the belief that the Wedgebacks were either drunk or dead but there plenty of highlight reel saves by the Owls and Sets. Matt Sola (12 saves, 16 points) led the way and league saves leader Joe Tulksie (11 saves) was his usual self and Greg Ashton and Derek Clouser added 10 stops. Captain Kyle McGrath got off his Week 1 rocking chair and threw down 32 points. Luke Dougan led the Owls with 34 including a huge 8 point ring shot to increase the Owls lead in the 2nd. League assist leader Jay Klein had 9 assists and Chris Von TanHausen (12 points, 5 assists) enjoyed a solid game. The Sets were led by rookie Crosser Steve Vandenberg who netted a game-high 45 points from pretty much everywhere on the field. Jim Andorko (17 points, 9 saves), Nick Deluca (18 points 8 assists), and Vinny Greco (17 points, 10 saves) played their usual "Phi Slamma Jamma" aerial show for most of the game which led to some hard fouls and bad blood between the teams. Jeff Regensberg finished with 31 "quiet" points as the Owls D had a hand in his face and took away shooting lanes whenever they could. The Owls played to a 165-146 win. The grudge-match takes place Week 6 where the two squads could just agree to a Royal Rumble to settle the score.

Live-Streaming games this Sunday (Oct. 23) at include:
1pm EDT: Jet Sets vs. Work Horses
2:30pm EDT: Night Owls vs. Nimble Jacks
4pm EDT: Throwbacks vs. Urban Legends

Kronum League 2011. Live it. We do.

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