Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kronum League 2011 – An Athletic Revolution

The American Revolution started in 1775 as a flare up between 13 British Colonies in North America and Kingdom of Great Britain. Minutemen and local militia scraped, clawed, and flanked the Redcoats without regard and turned a dispute over taxation into the most influential Global War in history.
The Revolution of Sport began in 2008 as a backyard concept to challenge the mainstream World of Sports. This active effort to bust loose and carve a new mark into the oak tree was commanded by the hand of Bill Gibson. Kronum was born. Acting as a modern day Nathanael Greene or George Washington he spearheaded the revolt and charge in protest to the tyranny of the mainstream. On second thought, Greene is a poor reference as he had multiple post-revolutionary problems and died of sunstroke. Let’s stick with G.W.
On October 9th, 2011 an epic sports event took place as Kronum League competitions were viewed LIVE via internet by 40 U.S. states and 30 countries around the globe. Six teams served as the 13 original colonies that stood and fought against conventional rule and the result was identical. The streaming in-game action prompted a call to action for countless viewers around the globe looking to join the fight. Join the resistance. Join the Revolution.
Though we claim just one founding father, the Nimble Jacks, Urban Legends, Work Horses, Jet Sets, Throwbacks, and Night Owls have signed the treaty to declare independence from all other athletic endeavors, while witnesses viewed from around the world.
This is OUR flare up. This is OUR Boston Tea Party. This is OUR charge Crossing the Delaware. Funny thing is, it’s all YOURS too. Kronum. Join the Revolution.

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